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We now have a fully developed autodifferentiation system built around scalars. This system is correct, but you saw during training that it is inefficient. Every scalar number requires building an object, and each operation requires storing a graph of all the values that we have previously created. Training requires repeating the above operations, and running models, such as a linear model, requires a for loop over each of the terms in the network.

This module introduces and implements a tensor object that will solve these problems. Tensors group together many repeated operations to save Python overhead and to pass off grouped operations to faster implementations.


For this module we have implemented the skeleton file for you. This is similar in spirit to from the last assignment. Before starting, it is worth reading through this file to have a sense of what a Tensor does. Each of the following tasks asks you to implement the methods this file relies on:

  • : Indexing, strides, and storage
  • : Higher-order tensor operations
  • : Autodifferentiation-ready functions

Tasks 2.1: Tensor Data - Indexing

The MiniTorch library implements the core tensor backend as minitorch.TensorData. This class handles indexing, storage, transposition, and low-level details such as strides. You will first implement these core functions before turning to the user-facing class minitorch.Tensor.


Complete the following functions in minitorch/, and pass tests marked as task2_1.

minitorch.index_to_position(index: Index, strides: Strides) -> int

Converts a multidimensional tensor index into a single-dimensional position in storage based on strides.


  • index

    index tuple of ints

  • strides

    tensor strides


  • int

    Position in storage

minitorch.to_index(ordinal: int, shape: Shape, out_index: OutIndex) -> None

Convert an ordinal to an index in the shape. Should ensure that enumerating position 0 ... size of a tensor produces every index exactly once. It may not be the inverse of index_to_position.


  • ordinal (int) –

    ordinal position to convert.

  • shape

    tensor shape.

  • out_index

    return index corresponding to position.

minitorch.tensor_data.TensorData.permute(*order: int) -> TensorData

Permute the dimensions of the tensor.


  • *order (int) –

    a permutation of the dimensions


  • TensorData

    New TensorData with the same storage and a new dimension order.

Tasks 2.2: Tensor Broadcasting


Complete following functions in minitorch/ and pass tests marked as task2_2.

minitorch.shape_broadcast(shape1: UserShape, shape2: UserShape) -> UserShape

Broadcast two shapes to create a new union shape.


  • shape1

    first shape

  • shape2

    second shape


  • UserShape

    broadcasted shape


  • IndexingError

    if cannot broadcast

minitorch.broadcast_index(big_index: Index, big_shape: Shape, shape: Shape, out_index: OutIndex) -> None

Convert a big_index into big_shape to a smaller out_index into shape following broadcasting rules. In this case it may be larger or with more dimensions than the shape given. Additional dimensions may need to be mapped to 0 or removed.


  • big_index

    multidimensional index of bigger tensor

  • big_shape

    tensor shape of bigger tensor

  • shape

    tensor shape of smaller tensor

  • out_index

    multidimensional index of smaller tensor


  • None


Tasks 2.3: Tensor Operations

Tensor operations apply high-level, higher-order operations to all elements in a tensor simultaneously. In particular, you can map, zip, and reduce tensor data objects together. On top of this foundation, we can build up a Function class for Tensor, similar to what we did for the ScalarFunction. In this task, you will first implement generic tensor operations and then use them to implement forward for specific operations.

We have built a debugging tool for you to observe the workings of your expressions to see how the graph is built. You can alter the expression at in Streamlit to view the graph

y = x * z + 10.0
>>> python project/


Add functions in minitorch/ and minitorch/ for each of the following, and pass tests marked as task2_3.

minitorch.tensor_ops.tensor_map(fn: Callable[[float], float]) -> Callable[[Storage, Shape, Strides, Storage, Shape, Strides], None]

Low-level implementation of tensor map between tensors with possibly different strides.

Simple version:

  • Fill in the out array by applying fn to each value of in_storage assuming out_shape and in_shape are the same size.

Broadcasted version:

  • Fill in the out array by applying fn to each value of in_storage assuming out_shape and in_shape broadcast. (in_shape must be smaller than out_shape).


  • fn (Callable[[float], float]) –

    function from float-to-float to apply


  • Callable[[Storage, Shape, Strides, Storage, Shape, Strides], None]

    Tensor map function.

minitorch.tensor_ops.tensor_zip(fn: Callable[[float, float], float]) -> Callable[[Storage, Shape, Strides, Storage, Shape, Strides, Storage, Shape, Strides], None]

Low-level implementation of tensor zip between tensors with possibly different strides.

Simple version:

  • Fill in the out array by applying fn to each value of a_storage and b_storage assuming out_shape and a_shape are the same size.

Broadcasted version:

  • Fill in the out array by applying fn to each value of a_storage and b_storage assuming a_shape and b_shape broadcast to out_shape.


  • fn (Callable[[float, float], float]) –

    function mapping two floats to float to apply


  • Callable[[Storage, Shape, Strides, Storage, Shape, Strides, Storage, Shape, Strides], None]

    Tensor zip function.

minitorch.tensor_ops.tensor_reduce(fn: Callable[[float, float], float]) -> Callable[[Storage, Shape, Strides, Storage, Shape, Strides, int], None]

Low-level implementation of tensor reduce.

  • out_shape will be the same as a_shape except with reduce_dim turned to size 1


  • fn (Callable[[float, float], float]) –

    reduction function mapping two floats to float


  • Callable[[Storage, Shape, Strides, Storage, Shape, Strides, int], None]

    Tensor reduce function.

minitorch.tensor_functions.Mul.forward(ctx: Context, a: Tensor, b: Tensor) -> Tensor staticmethod

minitorch.tensor_functions.Sigmoid.forward(ctx: Context, t1: Tensor) -> Tensor staticmethod

minitorch.tensor_functions.ReLU.forward(ctx: Context, t1: Tensor) -> Tensor staticmethod

minitorch.tensor_functions.Log.forward(ctx: Context, t1: Tensor) -> Tensor staticmethod

minitorch.tensor_functions.Exp.forward(ctx: Context, t1: Tensor) -> Tensor staticmethod

minitorch.tensor_functions.LT.forward(ctx: Context, a: Tensor, b: Tensor) -> Tensor staticmethod

minitorch.tensor_functions.EQ.forward(ctx: Context, a: Tensor, b: Tensor) -> Tensor staticmethod

minitorch.tensor_functions.Permute.forward(ctx: Context, a: Tensor, order: Tensor) -> Tensor staticmethod

minitorch.tensor_functions.IsClose.forward(ctx: Context, a: Tensor, b: Tensor) -> Tensor staticmethod

Tasks 2.4: Gradients and Autograd

Similar to minitorch.Scalar, minitorch.Tensor is a Variable that supports autodifferentiation. In this task, you will implement backward functions for tensor operations.


Complete following functions in minitorch/, and pass tests marked as task2_4.

minitorch.tensor_functions.Mul.backward(ctx: Context, grad_output: Tensor) -> Tuple[Tensor, Tensor] staticmethod

minitorch.tensor_functions.Sigmoid.backward(ctx: Context, grad_output: Tensor) -> Tensor staticmethod

minitorch.tensor_functions.ReLU.backward(ctx: Context, grad_output: Tensor) -> Tensor staticmethod

minitorch.tensor_functions.Log.backward(ctx: Context, grad_output: Tensor) -> Tensor staticmethod

minitorch.tensor_functions.Exp.backward(ctx: Context, grad_output: Tensor) -> Tensor staticmethod

minitorch.tensor_functions.LT.backward(ctx: Context, grad_output: Tensor) -> Tuple[Tensor, Tensor] staticmethod

minitorch.tensor_functions.EQ.backward(ctx: Context, grad_output: Tensor) -> Tuple[Tensor, Tensor] staticmethod

minitorch.tensor_functions.Permute.backward(ctx: Context, grad_output: Tensor) -> Tuple[Tensor, float] staticmethod

Task 2.5: Training

If your code works you should now be able to move on to the tensor training script in project/ This code runs the same basic training setup as in module1, but now utilize your tensor code.


Implement the missing forward functions in project/ They should do exactly the same thing as the corresponding functions in project/, but now use the tensor code base.

  • Train a tensor model and add your results for all datasets to the README.

  • Record the time per epoch reported by the trainer. (It is okay if it is slow).

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